Furnished Holiday Let  (EEA)

This section can be found within the Income from UK property data entry option.  (updated from 2022)

This tab represents a summary of all Furnished Holiday Let (FHL) properties within the European Economic Area. This tab can be completed in one of two ways: 

  • Enter the total rents, expenses, and adjustments etc directly or 
  • Enter the details for each property from within the Properties tab. Taxfiler will total the information from each record and display this on the FHL(EEA) tab.  

If a property is jointly let, just enter the taxpayer’s share from that property rather than the full amount. 

For Help on the other areas within Income from UK property click on the links below:  

  • FHL (EEA) 

HMRC provide help with the completion of the Income from UK property pages self-assessment-income-from-uk-property-sa105

Furnished Holiday Lets in UK 

  • Number of EEA FHL properties rented out – Enter in the number of properties excluding Land & property properties, Rent-A-Room or UK FHLs). 
  • Period of grace election – if a property qualified as an FHL property in the previous year but does not reach the occupation threshold this year, tick the box. This box will be automatically ticked if ticked in the previous year for a EEA FHL and rolled forward. 


  • Income from rents and services provided – Enter the taxpayer’s share of income from the property or properties included. For non-resident landlords this should be the gross income before deduction of tax. 


Within this section enter in the expenses for the relevant corresponding sections below, for the properties in question. 

  • Rent, rates insurance, ground rents etc 
  • Repairs and maintenance 
  • Loan interest and other financial costs 
  • Legal, management and professional fees  
  • Costs of services provided, including wages 
  • Car, van and travel costs 
  • Other allowable expenses   

Adjustments and allowances 

Within this section enter in the adjustments and allowances for the relevant corresponding sections below, for the properties in question. 

  • Private use adjustment  
  • Balancing charges   
  • Electric charge point allowance  
  • Zero-emission car allowance   
  • All other Capital allowances  

Calculate taxable profit or loss 

  • Adjusted profit/(loss) for the year – This field will show the calculated profit or loss for the property/properties before any brought forward losses. 
  • Loss brought forward – If this is the 1st year you are filing for this taxpayer, enter any unused losses brought forward from the previous year. Otherwise, the losses should be brought forward from the previous year when rolled forward.  
  • Loss brought forward used against profits – Taxfiler will allocate the maximum applicable loss to the profits for the year. 
  • Taxable profit for the year – Shows the taxable profit for the year, after taking into account losses brought forward. 
  • Loss to carry forward – This shows the remaining losses to be carried forward.