Quick Reporting

The Quick Reporting tool available on the TOOLS page on the Taxfiler menu allows filtered reports to be extracted to Excel.

Choose Fields

Select the fields to include in the report by ticking in the box next to the name under the ‘Available fields‘. These will then be listed under ‘Fields selected’. The order of the fields selected can be changed by clicking the up and down buttons, and fields can be removed from the report by clicking the trash button.

Filter Records

Use this tab to filter the records that appear in the report. Click +Add filter button to add a new filter. Select the field you wish to filter, from the drop down list, in the next box select the function from the drop down list, and complete the statement, either by adding in text or from the drop down list if presented.

For example, to list companies only, create a filter which reads: “Client Info – Type” “Is” “Company”. Multiple filters can be added.


Click the results tab to review the results. Click Save to Excel to export the results as an Excel file.