Checking and filing accounts

Checking and filing of Company accounts is done from the Check & File tab of the accounts preparation page.

Reviewing errors and warnings

Many errors and warnings will be displayed with a suggested fix and a button to drill down to the area with the issue.

Any errors or warnings on the accounts will be displayed in this tab. Errors may be due to imbalances in the accounts, mismatches on balances carried forward between comparative and current years, or warnings about possible missing notes or disclosures.

All errors will need to be resolved before continuing. Some warnings may be ignored if you are sure they are not applicable in these accounts.

Mark as Final

After reviewing and fixing any errors, you will be prompted to ‘Finalise these draft accounts‘, mark the accounts as Final by clicking Mark as Final.

If the accounts have not yet been approved you can download and send them to the client for approval. You may wish to input the actual approval dates and signatories. However, if you haven’t ‘signed off’ on the accounts yet, you can use a temporary date and name if you wish to proceed to the tax return whilst awaiting client approval.

  • Click Download accounts (PDF) to download the accounts in PDF format (recommended for sending to clients).
  • Click Download accounts (HTML/XBRL) to download the accounts in HTML format.

Approval of the accounts

Confirm the approval details are correct and click Approve accounts.

  • If you have used ‘temporary dates/names‘ in order to work on the tax return, you must return to the accounts section and correct these details and reattach the accounts to the return before submission.

Balance sheet

  • Name of person signing balance sheet – select the name of the person signing the balance sheet. This must be a current director.
  • Date approved by board – enter the date that the accounts were approved by the board.

Directors’ Report

  • Name of person signing directors’ report – select the person signing the directors’ report. This may be a director or the company secretary.
  • Date signed – enter the date that the directors’ report was signed.

Submitting accounts to HMRC and Companies House

If the accounts have been approved they can be submitted to Companies House or HMRC.